Easter Eggs in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition will be covered on this page. There are several funny objects, items and reprimands wich are hidden within the game.
Easter Eggs
Lord of the Pies
The most known Easter Egg of Dragon Age: Inquisition is a hidden nug with a top hat. The only way to find it is through a glitch and falling trough the ground in Skyhold.
Cheese Shield
Arm your Cheese! The Wedge of Destiny can be found on a table atop a hill, the west of Three Trout Farm Camp. It looks like a normal sliced piece of cheese or Pacman but the truth is, it's a shield.
Mass Effect
Rumors that Dragon Age and Mass Effect are in the same universe are clear, because there is definitively a Krogan head.
Monty Python
Several quotes of the well known britishcomedian Monty Python are in the game. For example is this 'chief' is quoting of 'The Spanish Inquisition' by Monty Python.