Locations found in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. Please see our Maps page for interconnectivity details, and refer to the Game Progress Route or Walkthrough pages for how to progress through the game.
- Crafting Materials: Elfroot, Iron, Nugskin, Ram Leather, Druffalo Hide
- Collections: Logging Stands 1x
- Companions: Cassandra, Varric and Solas
- Agents: None
- Merchants: Seggrit, Harritt
The Hinterlands
- Crafting Materials: Elfroot, Spindleweed, Embrium, Iron, Canine Leather, Fennec Fur, Nugskin, Royal Elfroot, Deep Mushroom, Obsidian, Crystal Grace, Drakestone, Onyx, Bear Hide, Ram Leather
- Collections: Astrariums 3x, Bottles of Thedas 4x, High Dragons 1x, Landmarks 19x, Mosaic Pieces 13x, Glyphs 3x, Shards 33x, Treasure Maps 3x, Logging Stands 3x
- Companions: Blackwall
- Agents: Clemence, Enchanter Ellendra, Horsemaster Dennet, Lord Berand, Ritts, Speaker Anais, Tanner, Corporal Vale
- Merchants: Crossroads Merchant, Redcliffe Weapons Merchant, Redcliffe Armor Merchant, Redcliffe Schematics Merchant
Val Royeaux
- Crafting Materials: Velveteen, Silk, Cotton.
- Collections: 1 Song (at the Cafe)
- Companions: Sera and Vivienne. Inquisition agent Barter by Belle.
- Merchants: Barnabus, Pierre-Marie, Willvan, Crafting Shop, Schematics Shop, Saphi, Deraboam
The Fallow Mire
- Crafting Materials: Blood Lotus, Blue Vitriol and Summer Stone, Dawn Lotus
- Collections: Bottles of Thedas x3, Landmarks x4, Mosaic Pieces x1, Glyphs x4
- Companions: None. Inquisition agent Sky Watcher (Connections - Missable).
- Merchants: N/A
The Storm Coast
- Crafting Materials: Spindleweed , Blood Lotus , Serpentstone , Summer Stone , Iron , Deep Mushroom , Black Lotus , Prophet's Laurel
- Collections: Astrariums x 3, Bottles on the Wall x 3, High Dragons x1, Landmarks x 5, Glyphs x 1, Shards x 13, Logging Stands x 3, Quarries x 1
- Companions: Iron Bull
- Agents: The Blades of Hessarian
- Merchants: None
Forbidden Oasis
- Crafting Materials: Elfroot, Spindleweed, Blood Lotus, Deep Mushroom, Serpentstone, Dragonthorn, Wither Stalk, Paragon's Luster
- Collections: Bottles on the Wall x 1, Landmarks x 8, Mosaic Pieces x1, Glyphs x 3, Shards x 15
- Companions: None
- Agents: None
- Merchants: None
- Crafting Materials: Blank Runestone, Serault Infused Glass
- Collections: Songs x 3.
- Companions: N/A
- Agents: From "Sit in Judgement": Alexius, Servis, Florianne.
- Merchants: Bonny Sims's Shop, Seggrit's Shop, Farris the Representative, The Stables Horsemaster Store, Undercroft Shop
Storm Coast Fissure
- Crafting Materials: Spindleweed
- Collections: Mugs in the Deep Roads, Landmarks in the Deep Roads, Gears in The Deep Roads
- Companions: None
- Agents: None
- Merchants: Crafting Materials Merchant (The Descent)
- Crafting Materials: Velveteen, Silk, Cotton
- Collections: Songs x 1.
- Companions: Sera and Vivienne
- Merchants: Barnabus, Pierre-Marie, Willvan, Crafting Shop, Schematics Shop, Saphi, Deraboam
The Western Approach
- Crafting Materials: Deathroot, Paragon's Luster、Lazurite, Ring Velvet, Deep Mushroom, Ghoul's Beard, Serpentstone, Amrita Vein
- Collections: The Archdemon mosaic, Bottles of Thedas, Occulara and Shard
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Griffin Keep Merchant
The Exalted Plains
- Crafting Materials: Obsidian, Rashvine, Embrium, Bloodstone, Veridium
- Collections: Invasion mosaic pieces, Occulara and Shard
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Dalish Camp Merchant, Master Taniel
Emerald Graves
- Crafting Materials: Bloodstone, Obsidian, Pyrophite, Rashvine, Embrium, Elfroot, Rashvine Nettle, Crystal Grace, Prophet's Laurel, Everite, Arbour Blessing, Stormheart
- Collections: Invasion Mosaic Pieces, Bottles of Thedas
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Gertrude
Emprise du Lion
- Crafting Materials: Bloodstone, Arbour Blessing, Rashvine Nettle, Rashvine, Everite, Silverite, Dawnstone, Elfroot, Felandaris
- Collections: Bottles of Thedas, Occulara and Shard
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Suledin Keep Merchant
The Hissing Wastes
- Crafting Materials: Amrita Vein, Deathroot, Dragonthorn, Elfroot, Ghoul's Beard, Vandal Aria, Witherstalk, August Ram Leather, Dragonling Scales, Fennec Fur, Hardened Gurn Hide, Lurker Scales, Rough Hide, Varghest Scales, Wyvern Scales, Lazurite, Nevarrite, Serpentstone, Volcanic Aurum
- Collections: Elven Relics x 2, Bottles on the Wall x 3, High Dragons x1, Landmarks x 8, Glyphs x 2, Shards x 8, Logging Stands x 2, Quarries x 2, Bloodwake, Helm of the Drasca, Perseverance, Promise of the Storm
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Betyar's Canyon Market
The Arbor Wilds
- Crafting Materials: Arbor Blessing, Elfroot, Felandaris, Stormheart, Silverite
- Collections: Master Dragon-Slaying Rune, Bianca Arms VI, Mhemet's War Hammer
- Companions: None
- Merchants: None
Frostback Basin
- Crafting Materials: Arbor Blessing, Silken Nether Cloth, Ice Dragon Hide, Ice Dragon Bone
- Collections: Astrariums in Frostback Basin
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Stone-Bear Hold Schematics Merchant, Crafting Materials Merchant, Helsdim Rolfsen
Winter Palace
- Crafting Materials: Elfroot, Embrium, Royal Elfroot
- Collections: Orlesian Banner
- Companions: None
- Merchants: Winter Palace Merchant
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