
warrior icon

Starting Abilities 

Two Handed:
Mighty BlowMighty Blow,
War CryWar Cry
Weapon and Shield:
Payback StrikePayback Strike,
War CryWar Cry



Warrior is a class option in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. 

Warriors provide the tank component of a party, taking brutal hits and maintaining the enemies' attention to allow their comrades to take advantage. Warrior are well capable of dealing catastrophic damage, as well as providing an opening for their teammates' ranged attacks and flanking maneuvres. 


"Battle-hardened and masters of close combat, warriors are pivotal to any group entering battle. As front-line fighters, they absorb the brunt of opponent attacks, steal enemy focus, and create an opening for deadly ranged assaults from other classes. While some warriors prefer visceral, sweeping damage, many are silverite-clad bulwarks, weathering any blows they don’t deflect with their shields."


The Warrior class is playable by all races, though different races will get difference bonuses which may help or hinder your play as a Warrior.

Note: Elves get a 25 percent bonus to Ranged Defense, Dwarves get a 25 percent bonus to Magic Defense, and Qunari get a 10 percent bonus to Physical Damage Resistance.




Warrior Ability Trees


Weapon and Shield

Weapon and Shield

Experts in this style are still on their feet after punishment that would kill their allies. They use their shield to protect themselves and stagger their enemies.




These stalwart warriors protect their allies by making themselves the biggest target on the battlefield. When enemies take the bait, Vanguards pick them apart with brutal precision.




These cunning warriors control the battlefield and everyone on it. They bolster their allies, hamper their enemies, and take advantage of any sign of weakness.

Two Handed Weapon


Two-Handed Weapon

Experts in this style crush their enemies with massive blows that can break any guard, shatter any armor, and destroy any opponent.



Warrior Specialization


champion reopt v1


These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination. Enemies can't kill them—and usually can't survive them.



As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don't live to repeat.



These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No enemy's magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies with their righteous power.



Warrior Starting Abilities and Stats



Mighty Blow Mighty Blow

You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down for a short time. You do more damage to targets that are already knocked down.

War Cry War Cry

You taunt all nearby enemies with a shouted challenge, gaining extra guard for each enemy affected.
Attributes Offensive Defensive
Strength 11 Attack 0% Magic Defense 0%
Dexterity 10 Guard Damage Bonus 1% Melee Defense 6%
Magic 10 Armor Penetration 11% Ranged Defense 6%
Cunning 10 Barrier Damage Bonus 0% Cold Resistance 0%
Willpower 10 Critical Damage Bonus 40% Electrical Resistance 0%
Constitution 10 Critical Chance 5% Fire Resistance 0%
Other Main-Hand Damage 60 Guard 59
Maximum Focus 100 Off-Hand Damage 60 Armor Rating 46
Focus Gain Bonus 0% Bleed on Hit 0% Armor Rating: Front 46
Maximum Mana/Stamina 100 Stagger on Hit 0% Maximum Health 562
Cooldown Modifier 0% Heal on Kill 0% Bleed on Being Hit 0%
-- Flanking Damage Bonus 25% Stagger on Being Hit 0%

Weapon and Shield


Payback Strike Payback Strike

You recover from any disabled condition and lash out with a great blow against nearby enemies. If you’ve recently taken damage, you hit that much harder and stagger your foes.

War Cry War Cry

You taunt all nearby enemies with a shouted challenge, gaining extra guard for each enemy affected.
Attributes Offensive Defensive
Strength 11 Attack 4% Magic Defense 0%
Dexterity 10 Guard Damage Bonus 1% Melee Defense 9%
Magic 10 Armor Penetration 0% Ranged Defense 6%
Cunning 10 Barrier Damage Bonus 0% Cold Resistance 0%
Willpower 10 Critical Damage Bonus 40% Electrical Resistance 0%
Constitution 10 Critical Chance 5% Fire Resistance 0%
Other Main-Hand Damage 43 Guard 40
Maximum Focus 100 Off-Hand Damage 5 Armor Rating 44
Focus Gain Bonus 0% Bleed on Hit 0% Armor Rating: Front 49
Maximum Mana/Stamina 100 Stagger on Hit 0% Maximum Health 562
Cooldown Modifier 0% Heal on Kill 0% Bleed on Being Hit 0%
-- Flanking Damage Bonus 25% Stagger on Being Hit 0%


NPC Warriors


Notes on Warriors

  • Useful for Taunts.
  • Warriors can break down certain walls in Single-player and Multiplayer.


Mage  ♦  Rogue

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